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Beauty School Success Stories
Beauty School Success Stories

Cosmetology was a “back up plan” for me. After one tragic semester at Middle Tennessee State University, I went to get a haircut from a from of a friend who was attending beauty school. That was a life changing haircut for me. That friend convinced me in the span of an hour that I needed to sign up to go to cosmetology school. He was clearly very convincing. He took me into the admissions office after he finished with my hair and signed me up, introduced me to the financial aid director who helped me fill out the paperwork to pay for the school, and I was on my way. I thought I would use the cosmetology degree to support myself while I put myself through college when I figured out what I really wanted to do. It took two years to finish the program going part-time so that I could work a full-time job to support myself. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t want to quit. I finished my hours in 1993, took the first job anyone offered me and began building a career. The last 24 years since I graduated from beauty school have taken many turns. I have never left my spot “behind the chair”. My back-up plan became my passion. Today, I own a nine chair salon in the heart of one of the wealthiest counties in Tennessee. I educate, coach, and mentor stylists everyday to help them achieve their goals. And I still use the fundamentals I was taught in the beauty school my dear friend convinced me to attend more than 25 years ago.

Stacy Gower, salon owner
New World College of Beauty Graduate

I’d love to share my story with you! Without TSB I wouldn’t have a job that I absolutely love! My time there not only gave the ability to be a stylist but taught me how to have a successful salon – which, by the way, I purchased 6 months after graduation and had it paid for in a year. We’ve been voted best salon in Sevierville for 3 years straight- without TSB this would’ve never happened!

Missy Ogle Dalton, owner of Southern Fried Hair Studio
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

It is extremely important to attend Cosmetology School. Without it, I would not have had the confidence to safely take care of my guests. I have had the opportunity to continue my education after school and it has allowed me to flourish in the career I so dearly love. We are NOT an hourly job. We are a career oriented industry.

Amy Sykes-Monaco
Lyle’s School of Hair Design

I had a great position at a great salon in knoxville. Hair was and always will be my passion. I am now combating some serious health issues and the thing that hurts the most is the loss of my ability to do what made me feel like what I did made a difference. My experience at Tennessee School of Beauty (TSB) was a highlight of my life and I will forever be defined by my talent that was brought to life at TSB. Love you all and have learned something from all the people there. Thank you.

Cindy Blank-Street
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

Educational Success Stories

I was able to attend cosmetology classes while I was in high school, because of having a program like cosmetology I learned a trade. I was able to continue my education and I became a cosmetology instructor and I now teaching cosmetology at a High school, in Lavergne, Tennessee.

Jacqueline Mamrock
Thomas High School and Boces; Webster, New York

My life has changed of much and every day I’m so thankful that I chose the best beauty school in Tennessee. Thanks so much for working with me through my school journey. I MADE IT!

Maria Gomez
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

Tennessee School of Beauty
I attended Tennessee School of Beauty 1993-1994, I had just graduated from high school, I was an afraid young kid and Adam Brown and the whole teaching staff were wonderful to me! I received the best education and I returned back in 2010 to take the instructor course, TSB is an amazing school. The best in Knoxville, Tennessee. I love it!

April Gardner
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

Tennessee School of BeautyI’m not sure where to begin…. but I’ll start with how I ended up at Tennessee School of Beauty.

I was never very good at school. I didn’t make good grades, nothing really ever interested me enough to retain what I was learning. The only thing I truly loved about school was getting to see my friends, make new ones and talk in between classes. When I graduated high school in 2007 all of my friends had plans and knew where they were going and what they wanted to start doing I went to sign up for classes at Pellissippi State Technical Community College. I had NO idea what I wanted to do… nothing struck me as interesting and I really didn’t have a passion for anything. I went for about 2 weeks, was failing all of my classes already and I was having some heart murmurs because I was so stressed out about school. I decided I was going to take some time off and I dropped out. That same day I heard a commercial on the radio for TSB and I thought to myself  “It couldn’t hurt to check it out”…. so I called that day and set up an appointment for the following day. When I met Adam and George and toured the school I knew right then and there this is what I was meant to do with my life! I was a dumb 19 year old so it took me about a year and half to finish school but I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. I had a BLAST going to school everyday (even though it was really early for a 19 year old, haha). Tennessee School of Beauty truly changed my life. I am still in contact with many people I met there. It gave me so much more than I could have ever hoped for. I didn’t realize how great of an education I had until I moved away to Georgia. There are some super talented people who come out of the schools here….but they are few and far between in this tiny town I live in.

After I graduated I moved to Cleveland, TN where I worked for two different salons. I can honestly say I was ready to be behind a chair as soon as I graduated school. I felt prepared, I felt confident, and I felt like it was my calling. I strongly believe that I felt that way because of the time invested into me while I was at TSB.

I stayed in Cleveland for 1 year then moved down to Carrollton, Ga. I did hair on the side for family and some friends but I worked for a couple different places and jobs for two years before I decided to try and do hair. (I knew no one here and I was afraid I would make no income).

I was at Indulge Salon and Day Spa for 4 1/2 years and I loved it so much. I loved learning, I loved growing my clientele, I loved my job…and I’m good at it!! In October last year (2016) one of my previous co-workers who had been on maternity leave decided to open her own salon. A good friend (and another co-worker) decided to leave and be a booth renter. I’m not gonna lie… I was TERRIFIED. I was comfortable where I was and knowing Indulge was so nice and well known in Carrollton was security. My husband (who I met here and we have now been married for 3 1/2 years) had a little girl last December (2015) and I wanted a more flexible schedule and I wanted to make more money for my family at the same time… as I am the bread winner.

Our new salon is called Parlour 76 and I couldn’t be happier with the move. I am staying booked with amazing clients, gaining new clients, and I’m getting to spend more time with my daughter and husband at the same time.

I truly believe my confidence, talent and success belongs to Tennessee School of Beauty. All of the instructors are so wonderful, the owners are the bomb, and the education is out of this world. Again, I never knew how blessed I was until I left and saw the other types of schools out there. I am forever grateful and thankful for my time at Tennessee School of Beauty!!

Brooke Weathers
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

Tennessee School of Beauty
I received my esthetics diploma from TSB in May of 2014. I was 35 years old then and the oldest in my class. I hadn’t been in any type of school environment in thirteen years, and I was worried I’d not be able to fit in or keep up. You see, I struggled with depression and other issues for all of my 30’s up until I started beauty school. I hated the path I was on, the jobs I had that I kept being fired or let go from, and honestly was ready to give up not only on myself but pretty much give up on life. Thankfully, I had a loving and supportive family that saw more in me than I did in myself that gave me the support and means to enroll at Tennessee School of Beauty. . . and my life completely changed for the better. The owners and employees could not have been more welcoming and supportive, and my instructors were top notch. I learned so much and worked super hard to prepare myself for the state board. I can honestly say I am prouder of my esthetics diploma from TSB than I am of my B.S. in Communications from the University of Tennessee. I was lucky enough to find a job in the esthetics field very soon after passing my state boards, and have worked solidly as an esthetician for almost three years. It’s been hard at times and I’m still building up a clientele, but I am happier and more fulfilled today than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I loved TSB so much that I have returned there this week to start obtaining my nail tech certification. The motto of TSB is “Work Your Passion” – and that is honestly something I do every single day. To be so passionate about my career and want to work so hard at constantly becoming better is so rewarding. I am beyond blessed and grateful for the education and opportunities that Tennessee School of Beauty has allowed me. The beauty business is the best business on Earth!

Heather Moody
Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate

My journey as a successful stylist and salon owner can be traced directly to my roots at Tennessee School of Beauty. After high school, I went to college as I was expected to do. While my grades were good, I left the university because I was unhappy. I jumped from college to college and subject to subject hoping to find a career path that would strike a chord in my core. It would not happen. I had another purpose in life. I enrolled in Tennessee School of Beauty shortly after and have never looked back. There I met a group of people who not only understood me, they encouraged me and pushed me to be better. I had not only found my niche, I had found a new home.

I now am able to provide a place of employment for fifteen people. I am proud to say that a great portion of the tools I utilize every day was learned during my hours spent under the watchful eye of this institution.

Were it not for Tennessee School of Beauty I would not be the success I am today.

Shannon Roberts
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate
Owner, Salon Aquarius

I came to TSB planning on doing the MUD program, however ended up picking up the Cosmotology program as well. I was hesitant at first but my eyes are opening to all of the possibilities. I am considering going to barber school in the future and furthering my education. The facility and staff care about your well being way more than they HAVE to. My teacher, Candy, has helped me tremendously and I don’t think I could have done any of this without her support.

Bri Hutchens
Tennessee School of Beauty student

Tennessee School of BeautyMy experience with Tennessee School of Beauty began I’m sure like most, with fear of the unknown. I was returning to school in my mid 30’s after losing my job of 16 years as an accountant. I had wanted to do hair my whole life but as a kid out of high school my parents talked me into college and then I moved on to marriage and a child so my dreams were put on the back burner.

I started TSB in May of 2011 the first thing I realized was it was very structured and ran like a well oiled machine. I was given tons of opportunities at TSB to learn more than just the basics, it definitely opened my eyes to this industry. I graduated in March of 2012 and I went immediately to take my state boards and I was very pleased at how prepared I was to take both of my tests. TSB has great job placement opportunities as well and I found a job immediately doing what I loved. After doing hair for 5 years I decided I wanted more so I contacted TSB about the instructor program and I was given a great opportunity to return to school again now in my early 40’s. The instructor program is just as structured and informative as the cosmotology program. After graduating the instructor program and passing my tests I took a huge step and opened my own salon and I have began teaching classes for schools on my days off. My goal is to become an instructor full time at TSB when I feel I have to give up doing hair full time.

I give TSB full credit for my successful career and I would highly recommend anyone to go to this school. I am very proud that I was able to attend TSB.

April Wyrick
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

Tennessee School of BeautyI began my career with Tennessee School of Beauty in 2004. I was 24 years old and unsure of what I wanted out of life. My life changed during that year and I found something creative that I could be passionate about and that I could make a living from. I worked behind a chair in a salon for 9 years, during that time I returned to TSB to obtain my instructors license. I began teaching cosmetology in 2011 and I helped open the Aveda Institute in Knoxville. I was able to have an impact on so many people as an educator and I am so thankful I got into teaching. I was able to get a promotion and moved to Birmingham to work with Aveda Institute Birmingham and A.I. South, the largest Aveda network in the world. I am an Educator Coach now for Aveda and I travel around the country helping to train educators and students at 18 different institutes.

I am still so thankful for Tennessee School of Beauty for the lessons I learned and the amazing education I recieved. The Beauty industry is the greatest industry on earth. Everyday we make people more beautiful, not just on the outside but on the inside too.

Adam Adkins
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

I’ve always loved doing hair ever since I was a little girl but I never really thought much of making a career out of it until I went into high school. I took 3 years of cosmetology classes and absolutely fell in love with working with hair but I wanted to try the college aspect of life and decided to go to college to become a teacher. My first semester of college, I knew that I was in the wrong place and that I needed to be doing hair. So I quit college and started thinking about beauty school. It took me 2 years after quitting college to finally come to TSB, just for fear of not liking beauty school either. As soon as I walked into TSB, I knew I needed to be here. I wanted to be part of the legacy that this school is. So I instantly asked how I could get started and within a month I was having my first day of beauty school. TSB has changed my perspective of this career in a good way. I’m more passionate about doing hair and making people feel beautiful. I’m not looked down upon if I have a question or if I’m just not quite getting a concept down. I love the environment that TSB has and whenever anyone ask me how I like school I tell them the honest answer; TSB was the best decision I’ve ever made for my life and I can’t wait until I’m considered a Tennessee School of Beauty Graduate.

Faith DeVaney
Tennessee School of Beauty, current student

Tennessee School of BeautyI chose TSB to begin my career on cosmetology because of their long standing presence in the professional beauty industry in my area, and their well established reputation. Because of the invaluable tools and skills I received there, my career as a licensed cosmetologist has been more than I could have hoped! After graduation I received a position at a top salon in their apprenticeship program. I received further additional training at this salon and became a fully booked hairdresser very quickly. During this time I became a Goldwell Artist for color and have traveled the country teaching other passionate stylists the art of beautiful hair color. My journey then took me to an amazing Salon in California where I spent two years working and continuing to educate. My path then brought me to Nashville, where I have joined a team at one of the most well known salons in town and have had the opportunity to work with multiple celebrities in the country music scene. None of this would have been possible without the firm foundation and education I received at Tennessee School of Beauty.

E. C. Crippen
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

Tennessee School of Beauty

I graduated from TSBy with a Cosmetology, Aesthetics, and Instructors license. I worked in the field before pursuing the educational side of the business. My former boss, Adam Brown, offered me an amazing opportunity as an aesthetics instructor in the skin care department at Tennessee School of Beauty. I quickly became the Director of Esthetics and taught passionately for nearly 7 years. After much thought, I decided to pursue my dream of owning my own business. I found a wonderful franchise, European Wax Center, and began my new adventure. I am now going into my fourth year and I’m proud to say I’ve had enough success to open a second center. I have been able to provide 20 aestheticians a job in the career they went to school for. Once the second center opens that number will double. These aestheticians and cosmetologist are what make my business successful and I couldn’t operate without them.

Nicole Thompson
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate
Owner, European Wax Center

After moving to Tennessee more than 3 years ago, I desperately needed a change. I’ve always been fascinated with Skin Care and decided to check out TSB, and I am so fortunate I did! I loved going to class for once! I already hold a BA, but never felt fulfilled in life. TSB helped me find my true passion!! I now am a successful Skin Therapist for Ulta Beauty! I also am a licensed Laser Esthetician all because of TSB! Every time I go back to visit or to pick up product, I feel so proud I am a TSB GRADUATE!

My next venture in life is to achieve my International License! All thanks to TSB!

Rebecca Chan
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

I went back to school at 49 years old to become an aesthetician and makeup artist. I attended Tennessee School of Beauty. After working in a spa for awhile, I decided to open my own little spa and I did. It was a lot of hard work but I enjoyed every minute of it. After about 5 years, I decided that I would close my Spa but continue to freelance my esthetics. I’m still freelancing and I absolutely love skincare and makeup. I still continue to take educational classes when I can. I can’t thank TSB for everything they taught me. They had the absolute best instructors, hands on experience and they allowed me and others at the time, to take our classes in the evening so we could still work our day job. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was a great experience and I would highly recommend Tennessee School of Beauty for anyone wanting to get they’re cosmetology, nail technician, massage therapy, or aesthetician license.

Janie Richards
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

When I began seeking a school for an Esthetics program, I researched schools outside of the state and visited several schools in different cities in Tennessee. I chose Tennessee School of Beauty for many reasons which include, the schools professionalism, friendly staff, cleanliness, and because they offer other aspects in Esthetics that many schools do not. I would highly recommend this school to anyone desiring an education in this field.

Debra Dotson
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

I chose Tennessee School of Beauty because as soon as I walked in the door, it felt like home, all of the instructors and girls I go to school with have become family to me. They actually care if you’re successful in this industry. It’s so great to feel like a priority.

Mikayla Thompson
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

I am nine years into the industry with six of those being an educator. I never dreamed that I would have fallen in love with hair and this industry but I have!

I decided to go to school when I moved to Knoxville and realized how much out of state tuition was at a four year university. To pass that year of time until I could go to school, I toured and enrolled in TSB never looking back.

I received my cosmetology and instructor license through TSB. I am currently behind the chair with the Salon at Josie’s and have received education from world-renowned companies.

I have a career that I enjoy so much! I never look at it as a job because if you’re doing what you love, it’s not. To put a smile on someone’s face and boost their confidence is priceless. I always strive for my clients to not only “like their hair” but to “LOVE their hair”, and there is a difference.
Do what you love and love what you do. Take the leap and follow your heart, I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Ashley U.
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

After discussing with my parents and considering the current economic state, we felt my future was best served by entering a “trade field”. With my passion for cosmetology we felt this trade was perfect for me. I aspire ultimately to own my own salon.

Bailey Monroe
Tennessee School of Beauty student

I knew I needed to find a place that would help me achieve all of my goals and make me feel like I was valued. TSB has already proven to me that I made the right choice and I’m thankful that I’ll one day be able to look back on such a great experience in my life.

Sammi Elstein
Tennessee School of Beauty student

Having living in the Knoxville area for nearly 7 years, I’ve made myself familiar with the beauty schools in the surrounding area. I’ve even toured a school downtown that’s actually very well established. Even with my extensive search I quickly came to find the Tennessee School of Beauty is by far the best equipped and most innovative. TSB was the only school I found that has the curriculum, resources, technology, and knowledge that can adequately prepare me for the job market in my scope of practice. I’m confident that I will be properly trained and prepared to be successful in the area of Esthetics and that’s directly because of the education that has been made available to me at Tennessee School of Beauty.

Tennessee School of Beauty graduate

I chose Tennessee School of Beauty because it carries a solid reputation of providing not only an unbeatable education but also has faculty and staff who care about my success. My experience so far has reinforced everything I was told – TSB invests in its students. They aren’t just molding graduates; they are molding industry innovators.

Ryann Christ
Tennessee School of Beauty student

From my 5 weeks at TSB I have learned so many things. Techniques to cut and color hair, to love one another, and to be professional. I wouldn’t want to go to any other school. I’ve wanted to do hair and make-up my whole life and I’m finally able to accomplish that goal. TSB made it possible to actually pursue my dreams. And I’d never look back now.

Kristen Beaver
Tennessee School of Beauty student

I’m a mother of three and my husband has his own barber shop. Over the years I have been a repeat customer at TSB and have always enjoined the services I’ve gotten. The level of professionalism and the postive atmosphere inspired me to jump in and earn my certification to be able to partner with my husband and expand our family business. I know and trust this Institute with my education because I have experienced first hand the level of excellence that they uphold, that’s why I decided to choose Tennessee School of Beauty.

Nneka Sykes
Tennessee School of Beauty student

I chose Tennessee School of Beauty for many reasons, but I’ll name just a few. For starters, there is not even a comparison between TSB and other schools. After extensive research trying to find my perfect school, I found that TSB not only has one of the best esthetics programs around, but they also have an amazing and caring staff. From the moment I began my journey, I could instantly see that my instructors cared for every one of us and wanted to deliver the best possible education and support for our career. Which is not something I can say about other schools. They not only teach us what we need to know, but they also go above and beyond to make sure we’re understanding every detail about why we’re doing what we’re doing to get the best out of our education. I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity to get my esthetics training from them and can’t wait to see where I’ll go with the knowledge, skills, and support they’ve given me!

Alison Murawski
Tennessee School of Beauty student

Once I decided to pursue an education in cosmetology, I chose Tennessee School of Beauty because they have the highest graduation rate. More TSB students pass the State Boards. And because many former graduates that are successful in the industry recommended TSB to me.

Destiny Hoban
Tennessee School of Beauty student

I have had wonderful experience so far! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. All of the instructors are so nice and knowledgeable, and they actually care if you understand it or not and they will work with you!

Jerica Morton
Tennessee School of Beauty student

After graduating from TSB, I joined IATSE, Local 798, New York in 1997. After 20 years and advancing to Journeyman in Hair and Makeup, I credit TSB, to providing me with the hair skills needed to become a member. Also, the purpose of this testimonial is because of Governor Haslam’s funding program, which would allow Trade Schools to receive monies that would allow more individuals to apply to TSB. When I went – 20 years ago, the cost was $5,000. Now, it is $10,000. Most people that spend $10,000, will go to college and not a trade school. The reason for this, is that it is too expensive. The day program is the best and fastest, and it allows people to work nights to support themselves and their families. I truly believe that in the future unless you are going to be a professional; then you won’t go to college, but learn a trade. I think this is the case for plumbers, electricians, ITT people – they have a trade. In summation, please consider TSB and other institutions such as this to receive monies to help defer the cost of schooling.

Rob Link
Tennessee School of Beauty graduate
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